Three Troubleshooting Tips to Get Your Furnace Running Again

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Three Troubleshooting Tips to Get Your Furnace Running Again: Winter nights in Nevada are no joke. To keep your family warm and comfortable, it’s important to keep your furnace in good working order. If your furnace is giving you trouble, you may be able to identify the problem by completing these three furnace troubleshooting steps. If you find yourself with more than a basic maintenance issue, don’t worry! JonAire, Inc. will send one of our pros to get your unit back up and running before the next chilly night comes knocking at your door.

1. Check Your Thermostat

Make sure your thermostat has power. If the display is blank and can’t be woken up, try replacing the batteries. Next, you should ensure that the thermostat is set for heat instead of cool and that it is set to an appropriate temperature to heat your home properly. If the thermostat says your home temperature is warmer than it feels, take a quick survey of the area where the thermostat is placed. If it’s near a source of heat, such as a lamp, oven, TV or direct sunlight, the source may be interfering with your thermostat’s temperature reading.

2. Replace Furnace Filter

Furnace filters are designed to block dust particles from circulating in your home. For this reason, they can get clogged up pretty easily (which is good, because that means they’re doing their job). Find your air return vent and check the filter. If it’s impacted with dust, this can affect your furnace’s ability to function optimally. You can tell when it’s time to replace a filter by holding it up to the light. If no light comes through, it’s time to check the size of your current filter and head to the store for a new one. Filters should be replaced every 30-90 days. Marking today’s date on your new filter with a permanent marker and setting a reminder on your phone to change the filter can help you avoid future complications with your unit.

3. Inspect Power Sources

Make sure the unit is still receiving power. Locate the correct fuse in your home’s breaker box to see if the fuse has been flipped. If you have a gas furnace, you may also need to see if the gas supply to the unit has been turned off, and turn it back on if so. Additionally, an older furnace should have a lit pilot light. Do not interfere with the unit if you smell gas. Instead, contact us or the gas company immediately so that the issue can be resolved in a manner that keeps you and your family safe.

If you’re unable to resolve your furnace issue with these three troubleshooting tips, or even if you’ve solved it and would like to schedule a furnace tune up in NV, give JonAire Inc. a call or complete our online contact form to request service. We’ve been in business for over 20 years and our technicians have decades of combined experience at the ready to restore peace and comfort to your home.

August 2022